Around four years ago, Pepper got out. The wild abandon of the adjacent park had been tempting her for a while, as it would have most dogs. Her great escape wasn’t noticed at first and by the time, it was Pepper was thousands of sniffs ahead of her human family.
The hilly Ventura woodlands offered abundant nooks and crannies for Pepper to delve into. Oh, how that first evening felt so free for Pepper without the restrictions of a leash. Pepper poked mischievously through the hills and dales of the enormous park as the evening wore on.
Meanwhile, Pilar and Frances noticed that something was awful quiet. They had not heard or seen Pepper for quite some time. Their presumption was that Pepper had gone off into that park, so they started to try to track her down.
However, the park was so enormous and with multiple ways in and out they weren’t sure she had not gone off somewhere out of the park. Did she meet a boyfriend dog so quick? Perhaps the famous Mr. Winkle had flown into Ventura.

Evening turned to twilight and Pilar and Frances returned to the house. They were practically sick not knowing where their precious Pepper would sleep that night. Soon they posted some flyers around the park. One person called with a description of Pepper and yes, she had been seen in the park. Pilar and Frances went to the area described, but Pepper would not come out. She had become skittish and wary of people after several incidents of uncertainly.
A fortnight went by and they met with the person to ensure they were looking in the same place where Pepper was seen. There above on the hill they saw a speck of white with a beam that still shines today. Pepper remained skittish, but had the sensibility to come to Pilar and Frances as they called. Her fur was now matted and she had a body full of ticks. She probably wouldn’t have survived much longer.
When they brought Pepper to the Vet, it was pointed out that she had two large canine teeth marks on each side of her body. The speculation was that two coyotes had been fighting over her, while both had her tightly clamped in their jaws.
Somehow, in a miraculous Houdini move, Pepper dug deep into her own Wolverine energy and wrested loose, sprinting off into a little hole behind some tight branches that the coyotes could not fit into as they fought with and spat at each other.

Most people wouldn’t know it by looking at her at first glance, but that’s one of the amazing adventures that Pepper went through half a lifetime ago.
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