Sphere: Related ContentWednesday, June 27, 2007
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Getting Lost in The Great Indoors
"Many Parents worry nature is dissappearing from Children's lives."
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8:47 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
How Children Lost The Right To Roam In Four Generations
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9:11 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
266 Sleepless Hours
This man, 43-year-old Tony Wright, just concluded an incredible experiment. After staying awake for 11 straight days, he finally went to sleep — ten hours shy of the world record for sleep deprivation. From the Times Online:
“As far as we are concerned our main concern was not the record but to show that Tony could train his mind in such a way as to stay awake for 11 days and remain coherent and aware of what was going on around him. That was the main object and I believe what he has done will surprise many scientists who did not believe it was possible. Tony not only stayed awake but handled ten media interviews a day.”
Before going to sleep, Mr Wright attributed his success to the “caveman diet” of raw food he followed during his marathon. Instead of celebrating afterwards, he climbed into bed at 8am having tested his own theory for 266 hours that people can achieve astonishing feats by teaching their brains to work more efficiently.
The Guinness Book of World Records hasn’t tracked sleep deprivation records since 1989, deeming them too dangerous. Alex Boese, describing the complicated history of sleep deprivation experiments in the Museum of Hoaxes, writes, “The overall problem with determining the record for the longest a person has stayed awake is that people take ‘microsleeps’ without being aware of it. To really determine if a person has been constantly awake you’d need to record their brainwaves throughout the experiment. As far as I know, such a study has never been done.”
Of course, not sleeping for a week is much more impressive when one is also abstaining from food and water, as is required of the Marathon Monks of Mt. Hiei.
Posted by
12:17 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
June Parable
An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.
The Mexican replied, "Only a little while."
The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?
The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.
The American then asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"
The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life."
The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to
The Mexican fisherman asked, "But, how long will this all take?"
To which the American replied, "15 - 20 years."
"But what then?" Asked the Mexican.
The American laughed and said, "That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!"
"Millions—then what?"
The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
Posted by
5:40 PM